Whether you’re a business owner or a private citizen, the reality is we are all susceptible to risks each and every day. It’s just a part of life. An employee could commit fraud against your company, a cybersecurity breach could compromise your position as an industry leader, or your identity could be stolen. With so much sensitive information stored online today, a lot can change in the span of a moment. Fortunately, there are steps that both business owners and citizens can take to minimize their vulnerability against threats, both online and offline. Read on to learn how to better protect yourself and your business operations with these commonly overlooked security precautions that we should all take.
Use Secure Wi-Fi Connections Only
Free public Wi-Fi can be handy enough when you’re on the road and need to connect. But unsecured Wi-Fi networks can easily be intercepted, which is why it’s a common way for hackers to gain access to your device. If you need to use a public connection, install a VPN first. This makes your data unreadable as it scrambles the information before it’s transmitted to the public server. It can also protect your passwords, location, and history, so it’s not readily available in the public domain.
Implement Cyber Security Plan & Software
A simple click of a button from an employee could end up infecting your entire system, potentially ruining your business or at least blemishing your reputation among stakeholders and clients. To protect your business from malware and viruses, get professional cyber security software installed. You should also implement procedures that can help your team identify suspicious emails or activity before it can cause damage to your business operations.
Never Give Out Personal Information Online
Online scams are running rampant today, and scammers are getting more sophisticated. In many cases, they can mimic banks and other institutions to look authentic, even to those who are digitally proficient. Whether it’s an email or social media, never share your personal information online. Banks will never request personal or financial info via email, and if you review any notifications you’re unsure about, call first to speak with someone directly. For social media, avoid posting anything about your home address, age, date of birth, and so forth. This information can easily be used against you by hackers who want to steal your identity and gain access to your accounts.
Create Complex Passwords and Change Them Regularly
Your passwords are often the main line of defence that protects you against identity theft and more. Make sure to take the time to create complex passwords. The more challenging they are, the more secure your accounts will be. And don’t forget to change them frequently, at least every few months. This is especially important to do to protect any confidential information on platforms that have recently been breached.
Be Mindful of What You Post On Social Media
Anything you post on social media platforms can be used against you as evidence if you’re ever faced with a lawsuit or caught up in a legal situation. Be mindful of what you say online, even when commenting on someone else’s post. And of course, don’t advertise personal details or your whereabouts, especially when you’re away from home for an extended period of time.
Always Do Your Research
Whether it’s online dating, hiring a new employee or purchasing a product from an online store, always do your research first. For example, if you met someone on a dating site, take a look online to try and confirm who they really are before meeting up with them. Search their social media, LinkedIn or do a basic Google search to find more details. If there are any red flags when interviewing a new potential employee, a background check can give you peace of mind before inviting them to join your team.
Online scams and security threats are more sophisticated, which is why we all need to take better steps to mitigate risks and protect our personal information and assets. If you need a background check performed or want to find out if an employee is committing fraud, contact us at Smith Investigation Agency today.