We hope all of our readers are having a lovely Thanksgiving. Here is a list of some of closures as a result of the Thanksgiving holiday here in Ottawa:
City Services
- Garbage, green bin, yard trimming, and recycling pickup will not happen on Monday. All Monday pickups will happen on Tuesday, October 14th instead
- The rest of the garbage/green bin etc. schedule will be delayed by one day. This means that if you usually receive garbage pickup in Wednesday, it will happen on Thursday, Thursday on Friday, etc.
- All government offices, including City Hall, will be closed Monday
- 311 contact centre open for urgent calls
- The Rideau Centre is open from 10am to 6pm. All other major shopping malls, including Bayshore, St. Laurent, and Place D’Orleans will be closed
- All LCBO stores will be closed
- Almost all grocery stores in Ottawa are closed, except for the Metro and Loblaws on Rideau, which are both open 24 hours
Entertainment & Activities
- All of the area museums, save the temporarily closed Museum of Science and Technology, will be open
- Some pools will open, check ottawa.ca for more information
- All branches of the Ottawa Public Library will be closed
Transit and Parking
- OC Transpo will operate on a Sunday schedule
- All City of Ottawa parking restrictions and regulations apply as usual