The partnership between the United States and Canada will continue to be unique and a model for the world. They affirmed their longstanding commitment to close cooperation in addressing both the challenges facing our two countries and problems around the world and share a commitment to continue to strengthen ties for mutual benefit, prosperity and security.
1. Growing the Economy
We affirm the importance of building on the existing strong trade and investment foundation to further deepen our relationship, with the common goal of strengthening the middle class.
We will continue our dialogue on regulatory issues and pursue shared regulatory outcomes that are business-friendly, reduce costs, and increase economic efficiency, without compromising health, safety, and environmental standards.
We will work together regarding labor mobility in various economic sectors.
Given our shared focus on infrastructure, we will encourage opportunities for companies in both countries to create jobs through infrastructure investments. We look forward to the expeditious completion of the Gordie Howe International Bridge, a vital economic link between our two countries.
2. Energy Security and Environment
We share the goals of energy security, a robust and secure energy grid, and a strong and resilient energy infrastructure that contributes to energy efficiency in both countries.
We collaborate closely on energy innovation, particularly in the clean energy sphere. As the process continues for the Keystone XL pipeline, we remain committed to moving forward on energy infrastructure projects that will create jobs while respecting the environment.
We also look forward to building on our many areas of environmental cooperation, particularly along our border and at the Great Lakes, and we will continue to work together to enhance the quality of our air and water.
3. Partners in keeping our Borders Secure
We commit to further cooperation to enhance critical infrastructure security, cyber incident management, public awareness, private sector engagement, and capacity building initiatives
We recognize the security of our borders as a top priority. Together, we address security at our shared border and throughout our two countries, while expediting legitimate and vital cross-border trade and travel.
We are building a 21st century border through initiatives such as pre-clearance of people and integrated cross-border law enforcement operations.
Our two countries are committed to a coordinated entry-exit information system so that records of land and air entries into one country establish exit records for the other.
We therefore commit to further cooperation to enhance critical infrastructure security, cyber incident management, public awareness, private sector engagement, and capacity building initiatives.
We commit to establishing pre-clearance operations for cargo. We intend to accelerate the completion of pre-clearance for additional cities and continue to expand efficiency of this program to strengthen our shared security.
In the spirit of a more efficient and secure border, we will also examine ways to further integrate our border operations, including analysis of the feasibility of co-locating border officials in common processing facilities.
We share a strong concern about the increase in opioid-related deaths. Our countries will work together on common solutions to protect our people from opioid trafficking.
4. Allies in the World
Together, we are harnessing all elements of national power to achieve the goal of degrading and destroying ISIS through our military operations to deny it safe havens and to build the capacity of local partners, stop the flow of foreign terrorist fighters into the Middle East region, cut off access to financing and funding, counter the ISIS narrative, and support the stabilization of communities liberated from ISIS.
We are indispensable allies in the defense of North America and other parts of the world, through NATO and other multilateral efforts.
The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) illustrates the strength of our mutual commitment. United States and Canadian forces jointly conduct aerospace warning, aerospace control, and maritime warning in defense of North America.
We will work to modernize and broaden our NORAD Partnership in these key domains, as well as in cyber and space.
The United States welcomes Canada’s recently announced decision to launch an open and transparent competition to replace its legacy fleet of CF-18 fighter aircraft.
The United States welcomes Canada’s decision to explore the immediate acquisition of 18 new Super Hornet aircraft as an interim capability to supplement the CF-18s until the permanent replacement is ready.
The United States values Canada’s military contributions in the Global Coalition to Counter-ISIS and in Latvia.
5. Empowering Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders
It is a priority of both countries to ensure equal opportunities for women in the workforce. We are committed to removing barriers to women’s participation in the business community and supporting women as they advance through it.
We are creating a United States-Canada Council for Advancement of Women Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders to promote the growth of women-owned enterprises.
via Canadian American Business Council
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