5 Ideas for Your Home Garden

5 Ideas for Your Home Garden

Home gardens are making a comeback in a big way. People love to see nature in all of its beauty. Here are five ways you can make your garden even more beautiful this summer:

Bird Bath

Many Ottawa homeowners are inviting more nature into their home this summer with the cool invitation of bird baths. With a beautiful arrangement of trees, shrubs and flowers an accented bird bath is sure to attract some of Mother Nature’s most beautiful creatures.

Ombre Colours

Ombre, the latest colour trend for 2014 features shades of a single colour ranging from dark to extremely light. You can easily incorporate this design trend in your garden by bringing in flowers and plants that are similar in colour, but have different shades. You can arrange them however you see fit, although most people tend to stick with ranging the colours from light to dark. No matter how you arrange it, the combination of colours will definitely give your garden a beautiful, more updated look.

Wild and Free

Some more experienced gardeners are turning their entire front and backyards into stunning creations. These gardens feature many different plants, flowers, shrubs and garden accents ranging in design, size and style to ultimately create the perfect overall wild and free look. Although this may be a little difficult in the beginning caring for it is a piece of cake!

Plant a Tree

Many trees around the city have been or are being removed due to the emerald ash borer disease. This is unfortunate as we are losing many older, mature trees that give the city character, however it is also an opportunity to bring in a beautiful mix of different trees to your garden. To pick a type of tree you want on your yard have a look on the “Grow Me Instead” guide.

Fresh from the Garden

If you’re a big foodie, or prefer the idea of eating fresh herbs, fruits, and vegetables then perhaps a home garden are is the way to go. You can purchase herb plants at your local garden store, along with fruit and vegetable seeds. Although the fruits and vegetable seeds may take some time to mature you’ll notice that herbs go quite quickly, and can be used for both food and drinks. So make up a batch of mojitos for your girls night in with some fresh mint!

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